The individual journey became a lost horizon shrouded in heavy fog after the fall of Greece. Highly sensitive stone occilators were thrown into ruin, as their secrets were lost to the common understanding of the species. Once the destruction was complete, the true depth of what took place in ancient Greece bled into the dust beneath the fallen collums of stone. Greece was the last civilisation to share the secrets of Egypt with the world. As the Roman Empire grew out of the desire to control the earth through secret manipulation of an ancient 'spiritual technology', the Time^Travellers withdrew. Obsession for power is as dangerous as abuse of power.
Independent Time^Travellers were able to evolve through an inner devotion to integrity. It is impossible for cultural restrictions to overwhealm a divine spirit intent on applying universal truths of freedom. The war intent on destroying a unique genetic prescience within the Celtic tribes failed to understand the soul journey, which transforms genetic DNA at birth. The war machine DNA was losing its coherence as the divine DNA applied its skills to unique understanding.
Independent Time^Travellers were able to evolve through an inner devotion to integrity. It is impossible for cultural restrictions to overwhealm a divine spirit intent on applying universal truths of freedom. The war intent on destroying a unique genetic prescience within the Celtic tribes failed to understand the soul journey, which transforms genetic DNA at birth. The war machine DNA was losing its coherence as the divine DNA applied its skills to unique understanding.