Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tears In My Eyes

They were a small slender intelligent race of reptilians from the 'future' .. location unknown. They were contacting or searching for connections into our current time zone [January Eclipse 2011] .. their physical features were dark green, wide eyes and fine elongated faces without wings and without a central horn.

The group of reptilians entered our psychic space and began asking questions in their own language. Even though we did not speak classic reptilian, our brains began to answer them in their own language .. once they had tested us they began to ask questions in English. We continued to answer them in reptilian.

Tears filled my eyes as we answered their questions .. we were continuing to answer their questions in the reptilian language. [Historical Note: We did not understand the language our human brain/minds we responding to - but the reptilians did understand our response].

Suddenly, out of sub-space a powerful and highly advanced order of future elite reptilian species appeared in the background mirror of our minds... They could be called the Rainbow Serpents. They were so advanced, they are beyond current human awareness or description.

The powerful advanced reptilian species began to answer the questions of their cousins without any participation of our Remote Seeing human group. We were unable to understand the direct interaction between the two groups.

Tears filled my eyes ...

A powerful Zen like reptilian species beyond anything we can imagine, spoke ..

We could not hear their answers, but tears in our eyes rang loud in our silent ears... Always have compassion - and not hatred - for those who would destroy you.

The powerful Zen like rainbow serpent reptilians brought tears of compassion to our hearts and our eyes... their answers to their smaller cousins seemed harsh. Perhaps there are past actions that lead to unavoidable destruction of a species.

Let this be a warning to human beings on planet Earth .. you are the future you create. Destroy and you will be destroyed. Kill and you will be killed. Each to his/her own kind... Create balance and peace, before you beg without hope for a future you will never see.