Saturday, August 29, 2015

Masters of Reality

Time Travel Dream Analysis: 2155 / Time Zone Comparisons
Spirit is the time traveler .. the physical body is the 3D time travel technology used to make those long journeys through space time realities. By 2144 our group began to understand the finer mechanisms of time traveling spirit.

The dynamics were so subtle they had eluded our intense group research for a decade. However .. the breakthrough did not come from our group in 2144. The breakthrough had already taken place over a hundred years earlier .. in 2015. This back from the future realisation was brought to our team in 2142 .. and taught to us .. by the one from the past.

It was one of those easy to miss moments in time that most people would dismiss as a bad dream. We had plenty share of bad dreams during our research! The only difference being that we all understood that the dreams were real and all of them had some kind of significance.

The dreams could not be understood from our perspective .. but the significance could be understood. Because of this our research had begun to follow those dream trails and piece together the puzzle of our lives across time and space. Our team soon began to get caught in the dynamics of the dreams research and forget their goal of MASTERY.

The dreams perspective research was like entering a colorful hypnotic maze of kaleidoscope dimension crossing realities. The time zone colors interacted with each other .. and we were all part of those interactions across time. We thought we were getting somewhere. No one realised at the time we were simply treading water.

It was fun though!

The Breakthrough ...
The breakthrough was not in the form of a dream .. it took the form of a powerful interaction. The past was altering our future. Understanding the dynamics took our research to a whole new level. Lost so deeply in the kaleidoscope levels we were like fish being directed by the currents of the ocean. With this breakthrough from the past we were fish that could swim those currents.

It was the first step to being Masters of our own reality.

The breakthrough was made by the shyest member of our research team. At the time we had all assumed her quiet nature to be non-leadership / follower type characterization. But .. the fish who swim deepest through the oceans are the fish rarely seen or understood from the surface.

As a result of the teachings from the past .. by 2150 we all became deep swimmers and deeply reflective. As this is an essential requirement of advanced time travel abilities within consciousness. This deeper inner action was the most powerful aspect of the breakthrough that changed our lives at that time.

The Foundation ...
Su LiJing was born in 2120 in Chin Wenxian Eastern Province after the third coastal inundation. Her family was from traditional Su lineage .. the descendants of Kun Wu [Su: regaining consciousness]. The genetic consciousness was tuned for breakthrough across generations.

Our team was a co-operation of six major survivor groups working from their own continents. Physical travel was not a priority at the time of our development. We were able to cross-connect and map our past life associations and experiences .. but we did not realise that our past could actively interact with us across time.

Su LiJing made the least active vocal and written contributions to our research .. as we failed to understand how dynamic an effect she was having on the research and our developments in understanding how spirits travel back and forward through time. As the rest of the team focused on the technical experiences of time travel .. Su LiJing was quietly working on the deeper personal experience.

The reality is .. Su LiJing had little to say unless she herself understood the subtle depth of her own experiences across space and time. It was a personal journey for her that led to deeper planetary implications for all humanity. We had made the initial mistake of assuming Su LiJing's development was much slower than the rest of the team.

She was the youngest researcher and had joined the team late in our development. Contact was first made by the Wenxian Council of Elders .. who recognised her skills as exceptional. The Council made us a contributing offer to our research even though we do not know how they knew about our secret research group. They were bale to contact us through unusual channels and we accepted their offer.

Rather than get caught and mesmerized in the complex kaleidoscope of past and future experiences .. Su LiJing began to interact with past and future selves in a self-enlightenment dialogue. She was able to re-discover astounding breakthroughs from her own past life experiences that were way in advance of any understanding we had today.

Su LiJing's past incarnations were able to perceive her intrusions into their time space and like Masters of the past were able to guide her development. The most astonishing discovery of all is that these past incarnations would only interact with her and guide her if her intentions were honorable and her way of life was harmonious.

How did they know? They simply knew!

Most strange of all was that Su LiJin's Masters and guides had not connected with her active consciousness until she had created a connection to her own Inner Masters within herself. Once Su LiJin began connecting and guiding herself across space time .. her Masters connected with her and began actively working with her consciousness.

This breakthrough was the Foundation of our shared Transformation.

Each of our team had to make the same connections before our Masters would work with us .. as Su LiJin patiently waited for our teams development. It took another eleven years to achieve basic connections to our intelligent past.


The Masters of Reality were our own selves traveling across time and space like baby salmon returning to the sea. We were the parents and children of our own self-incarnations. We were created to give birth to our higher selves and our higher consciousness lifetime after lifetime. We are the past .. the present and the future now!

Advice From The Future ...
All forms of conflict internal and external deprive the psyche of essential Qi life force. Conflict fear and ego-self are blocking fields of INITIATION to stand in your way until you are ready to pass into higher awareness. If you fail? You inherit the conflict lifetime after lifetime on different dimensions [time zones].

Social and cultural transformation is born out of Initiation.

Earth humans were not created physically different from the animals birds and creatures of the sea. Earth humans were created to be aware consciousness advancing beyond the physical body experience. Earth human development is in consciousness / the mind / the psyche and is not a development of the physical material body.

Earth humans are consciousness experiencers within physical material reality.