Thursday, March 12, 2009

Neutral Zones Observation

From world to world, across multi-universes, the basic T^T rules are the same. Energy conversion and energy conservation. The higher the frequency, the higher the conversion and conservation of energy. A unique being who lives for thousands of years, is essentially optimally conserving and converting energy.

Independent Time^Travellers quickly learned the Art [Alchemy] of Energy=NoThing.

The science of connecting inner navigation with the totality of oneself across space and time requires a deeper understanding of the nature of ego-self and its uses [misuses] of power.

Sequoia trees have grown on the earth across thousand years span cycles, because their energies are pure, they have not been corrupted by the toxic pollution created from the psychic instability of man. Their roots are in the old world (not this world), and they draw from that purity. These silent Zen Masters are removed from the creatures crawling around on the land surface below, struggling to control each other, while they cut down a few old trees.

It can be that T^Travellers enter and leave highly egoistic worlds, where ego is defined as the personal use of power (in non-intelligent ways). Is there an intelligent way to mis-use power? -- Don't use it !! '- )

Krishnamurti jokes aside. Independent Time^Travellers were able to navigate the turbulence creates by power[obsessed]mind zones, and some even surf those zones in the same way Californians love to surf really big and dangerous waves. As a Time^Traveller you have to know what you are doing or you get crushed.

Psychic obsession power waves are far more destructive to earth-crawlers than natural waves in deep space or in the oceans. Quantum magnetic waves will push aside but not destroy the wave surfers. Whereas psychic obsession waves will destroy physical mass and psychic mass inside the operating zone [the human mind].

For this reason Atlantean Masters left behind a Zen code of practice.

Independent Time^Travellers use these codes to navigate the free movement of energy, as opposed to restricted [personal power]. For a Time^Traveller personal power is the most dangerous and deceptive current. You just don't don't sail into those currents, because they will suck you under.

This returns us to the equation: Energy=NoThing. It is pure Zen.

Independent Time^Travellers navigate outside of attachment and personal gain, because what you gain you lose. This quantum law kind of cancels out gain. Having lost what you gained the next level of deterioration is aggression, because you lost it [equals psychological attachment] you wont let go. There you have the undercurrent - one of many - swirling in deceptive ways around the hidden rocks of ego and personal power.

Inside the neutral zones T^T Teachers would say: "It is not the individual, but the obsession - when the obsession becomes the individual - that power spin loops back and distorts reality."