Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Seed of All Nations

He stood in the shadows of his own light .. "The seed of all nations are the fruits of the earth."

People of Japan and China, people of India, Africa and Arabia stood together .. and on the opposite side people of North and South America, people of Europe stood together and everyone was afraid. There was uncertainty in the air. An unusual tension settled over the gathering of people and souls.

The Seed of All Nations ..

The planet hovered on the brink of war. This was not simply an in-your-face direct war .. this was a covert dirty war that would last for hundreds of years (due to its dirty and insidious nature).

He stood in the shadow of his own light and all those present were shaken by his presence ..

What direction will you take .. people of the Earth? Only the state of your souls will decide.

To the East of you and to the West of you are failed realities dissolving in the chaos of hatred, war and fear .. to the North of you and to the South are failed realities who crumble into the vague shadows of self-reflection, sadness and doubt .. those who hate themselves hate the planet they live on.

He stood among them surrounded by the spirits of those who inhabited their world, and all they saw (in reality) were the shadows of light cast before them by their own souls.

It was a confusing time .. the Eastern nations: India, China and Arabia were entering a natural growth cycle .. as the Western nations were entering their decline. The Indo European genetics had been badly damaged by the alien Roman infestation of Celtic Europe. The internal connections were broken, the awareness was diffused and clouded. The stand-off between East and West was gathering momentum.

Behind this ugly conflict and corruption, a mass of souls stood in the middle-world observing part of their own manifest existence. It was never a matter of your soul influencing you or reaching out to you .. but it was for you to turn around and reach out to your soul.

Within the consciousness of all nations on Earth a pure seed had the potential to grow. Just as the Sun nourishes life on Earth, so the inner light of the soul nourishes the growth of the seed of all nations.

He stood in the shadows of his own light .. "The seed of all nations are the fruits of the earth." .. He stood among those present, surrounded by the spirits of those who inhabited their world, and all they saw (in reality) were the shadows of light cast before them by their own souls.